Steamed Kale with Creamy Tofu Dressing

Wanting to reduce your internal toxic load? Make lunch the largest meal of the day, and keep dinner light. Simple vegetables, a light protein with a healthy and tasty topping is all it takes to give you the energy to get through the evening, and the completed digestion to sleep well and detoxify during the night.

Simple changes in your daily life can make measurable differences in your health.

Oh yes, the other necessary component is your loving heart – loving you first and then sharing it with others! Happiness for health!


Steamed Kale with Creamy Tofu Dressing

Wash kale. Gently pull from the stem and chop lightely.


Add a small amount of filtered water to a saucepan. Bring to the boil.


Immediately add the kale, cover with a lid and turn the temperature to low. Let the kale simmer for 3 minutes maximum.

IMG_2138Turn the cooked kale into a bowl. Top with the tofu dressing.


Et voila – you have a simple, healthy and tasty dinner!

Extra ideas: steam more vegetables that you have on hand (delicious with sweet potato); top with pumpkin seeds or sesame seeds

Creamy Tofu Dressing

8 oz silken tofu

2 T tamari

2 T green onions, chopped

3 T lemon juice, freshly squeezed

1/4 t salt

3 T olive or sesame oil

1/3 cup water

Combine the drained tofu, tamari, green onions, lemon juice and salt in a food processor. Process for 5 seconds. Then, with the motor still running, pour in the oil and the water. Taste, adjust the seasoning, and store in a sealed jar in the refrigerator.

Use the foundation of the silken tofu, lemon juice, oil and water, and then flavor this dressing to your liking. Add different herbs or different spices that are favorites for you.

This dressing is wonderful as a topping for vegetables, salads and cooked grains.

With the dressing prepared and on hand it is easy to keep to your healthy eating commitment.



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