Nibbling – It Adds Up Quickly

Nibbling, something that I do when I am hungry and I do not have the right foods at the ready in the refrigerator. It is Monday lunchtime, and I have been away for the weekend. This means that there is no fresh produce in the crisper, nothing at the ready to be made into a delicious and simple lunch.

Ahhh, nibbling, something that I do when I am transitioning from one activity to another, and I am not ready to settle in.

All of that nibbling adds up so quickly! When I grab a little of this, telling myself that I will make a proper lunch soon, but it is followed an hour later by a little of that, and then another hour later by more nibbles, I never get the satisfied satiated feeling from a meal. I am almost on edge, on edge for the next snack that will weigh me down to the earth, and give my body and mind the contentment of a proper meal.

Yes, that contended feeling after allowing the hunger to build up, and then eating a meal of plant based foods, is going to be elusive for me this afternoon. I will work to contain the nibbling in the afternoon, and let the appetite build up for a light dinner.

Nibbling can totally throw the healthy eating off course. If you are having a nibbly day and want to stay on track for your mindful eating, here are a few ideas:

  • Fruit, all types, even bananas (grounding starch found within, pair it up with a nut butter [no added oils and sweeteners please], and you have an actual meal)
  • Handful of Nuts or Seeds (preferably raw)
  • Spoonful of a Nut Butter of Seed Butter (no added oils or sweeteners please)
  • Dried fruit
  • Handful of Granola
  • Half of a Rice Cake with a Nut Butter and/or Natural Jam
  • Dark Chocolate

The sum total of this type of nibbling is to stay away from dairy and refined carbohydrates. Keep out of the cookies and cakes. Although nuts and seeds have a good deal of fat in them, sometimes this helps to calm the body and mind down, providing energy to sustain. And the dark chocolate, well I can only eat so much of that before my stomach has had enough of the caffeine!

Now that I have the refrigerator filled with veggies I am ready to pull myself back on track for dinner tonight. The lost sheep is returning to the fold!

Shanthi Shanthi (Peace Peace) to that!




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