Finding a "Real" Coffee Mug!

What a challenge I had the other week when I was in NYC and had some time on my hands before the next train home. I started to search for a coffee shop where I could have my tea in a mug, you know the kind that you probably have at your home, a real porcelain mug that is washed following use! Well, after a lengthy search, I landed myself at Starbucks, of all places!

Try the challenge yourself. Shops are geared to give us disposables even when we are staying in. Those 300 million coffee cups that go into the garbage each day, not only contribute to our expanding piles of waste, they also are lined with plastic. When the heat of the hot drink comes in contact with the plastic – whew – toxins are released into your beverage.

Tell us about your porcelain mug seeking adventure! Experience the delayed gratification of a hot drink for the sake of the Earth. Put someone or something ahead of our own desires. 


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