"Do the Math" Talk

Tonight I am going to a talk in NYC given by Bill McKibben of 350.org. I know very little about Bill and his work. The bit that I do know is that it will be a numbers presentation focusing around the environment and the changes happening with global warming.

I have not attended many of these types of talks in recent years. I have heard them before, over 20 years ago, information about the atrocities that were happening then to the earth, to Mother Nature. I did not know what to do with all of the information. And the sadness. And the anger. Fast forward 20 years and I am asking myself what large scale changes have taken place.

We need the environmental solutions to come from all generations, from persons of all shapes and sizes, of all income levels and of all genders. No waiting for the government, or your family or your neighbor. Start to make the changes in your own life. Your eating, your spending, your habits, your language, your awareness – all of these can make massive changes in the world today!

Be an agent of change. Mother Nature needs you; you need Mother Nature! Take this reciprocal relationship into your heart and move with Love throughout your day.


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