How far can half a burger go?!

Welcome to motherthemother. This blog is intended to create a dialogue around ways to mother Mother Nature. She is the ulitimate Mother, the Mother for all. At this period in time our attention and care is needed to mother her back to health.

There is much to focus on to help the Earth. We hear and see it in the media. It has become part of our daily dialogue. In this blog we are creating a connection between how we eat to the health of our being and the health of the planet. The two are intimately connected.

Tonight I am beginning to prepare dinner for our family. There is a half of a large hamburger leftover in the refrigerator. What to do with it? No one wants to eat it in its dense existence as a 2 days leftover.

I have taken this half burger and crumbled it with a fork, combined it with some sauted onion and tinned tomatoes. I added a few herbs and the mixture is simmering away. Nothing unusual in this. Simple spaghetti sauce for a western family. The amazing thing here is that the half burger will be enough to serve 3 people!

The concept of moving the meat serving to be a side bar on the plate, or even off the plate, is receiving increasing dialogue. The environmental cost of beef production and the protein that it provides is just not adding up on any scale. Twelve to fourteen pounds of grain to make one pound of beef. Think of how many would eat the grain before one, two or three ate the pound of beef.

Health wise there is little research that promotes a red meat diet over a plant based diet. Is there even any research supporting this?

So, the non-meat eater (me) will serve the half burger to her family tonight. A nice salad will round out the meal!




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